Another octagon-shaped room and the last of Blaine’s additions casually referred to as 'Blaine's Gymnasium'; an apparent reference to his limited amount of exercise. The room is encased with a white birch and mahogany wainscoting which is repeated on the hand hewn floor. A vintage 1920 pool table was procured by Governor Joe Brennan and is the focal point of the space. The wall space serves as a gallery for the history of the household residents since 1919/1920 with Governor Carl Milliken and his family moving into the newly renovated home. The room also has a large oak wall cabinet displaying memorabilia and ephemera from the Blaine era and the home over the years. Governor Paul LePage fashioned a handsome oak credenza that sits below the cabinet and serves as a display space for a fascinating walking stick that was carved and presented to Mr. Blaine during a campaign trip for his presidential bid in Chicago, 1884.