Letter from Gov. Barrows

In this undated letter, Governor Lewis O. Barrows explains the history of the Blaine House. The letter is also signed by Margaret Blaine Damrosch and Harriet Blaine Beale, James G. Blaine’s daughters. Like Blaine, Barrows was a Republican. He was the governor of Maine from 1937 through 1940.

MSM 79.40.68

Pass Signed by President Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln NoteOn April 7, 1865, President Lincoln signed a pass permitting James Blaine to visit the newly-captured Confederate capital, the city of Richmond Virginia. It was an informal pass, written on the back of a journalist’s business card. A week later, Lincoln was shot, dying on April 15th. In order to protect the pass from the effects of light and potential handling, this is a facsimile of the original, which is housed at the Maine State Museum.

MSM 79.40.33

Home of Maine's Governors since 1919.
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